Friday, November 13, 2015

2.6 Describe the reactions of these elements with water and understand that the reactions provide a basis for their recognition as a family of elements

By "these elements", they mean group 1 metals.

Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na) and Potassium (K) all react vigorously with water. The rest further down the's probably not safe to experiment with those in a lab (or anywhere, really...)


  • Floats
  • Fizzes
  • Solid eventually disappears
  • Produces some heat but doesn't melt
  • Floats
  • Heat given off, causing it to melt into a ball
  • Gradually disappears
  • Sometimes a white trail of sodium hydroxide can be seen, but it usually ends up dissolved in the water
  • Moves around (due to hydrogen given off)
  • If it gets stuck on the side of the container, it will burn with an orange flame.
  • Burns with a lilac flame
  • Reacts similarly to sodium but quicker
  • Gives off heat, causing it to melt into a ball
As you go down the group, the reactions become more vigorous. There's plenty of videos on YouTube :) (even of the super reactive ones...they're pretty impressive)

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